Our Governance

We are governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by our members.

Community members from the Katherine West region elect 15 Health Board Directors to ensure the highest standards of governance are upheld.

Our Board

Board Directors regularly consult with the community and take ideas and issues to Board meetings for discussion. These ideas are progressed into programs, strategies and policies which Katherine West Health Board staff are responsible for implementing and delivering.

Directors report back to the Board about programs and healthcare delivery. This allows the community to provide feedback and direction to ensure that services and programs are being delivered in a way that is appropriate for their people.

Board Directors elected for the three year term 2022-2025 (endorsed March 2023)


When required, committees are established to provide advice and guidance to the Board regarding particular issues or programs.

Cultural and Health Literacy Resource Review

The Cultural and Health Literacy Resource Review(CAHLRR) meets regularly to ensure that our programs and materials are delivered in a culturally safe and appropriate way.

The group is comprised of current senior Aboriginal staff who seek input and guidance from Board Directors and key community members as required. A large component of their work is assessing the cultural appropriateness of health promotion materials and strategies to ensure they are understandable and appropriate in meeting the health care needs of our people.

Becoming a Member

Members elect representatives to the Board and provide input into service delivery. Community and Board Directors are the voice for all matters relating to community health in the region.

All people living in the Katherine West area are encouraged to become members of the Katherine West Health Board. As of July 2019, there are 947 members of the Board.

Read the rulebook and Download a membership form to apply.


KWHB members vote to elect Directors to the Katherine West Health Board every three years.

The election period is broken up into three stages:

Stage 1 – Membership Drive

Stage 2 – Director Nominations

Stage 3 – Elections